Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A redneck view on Immigration in Canada

Western Europe countries have adopted “zero immigration” policies, and I think it's too bad that Canada can't do the same thing.

Now, before you criticize and condemn, stop and think a minute about the freedom you're about to exercise.... and let me admit that I had dual citizenship with a Scandinavian country until the age of 21.

Canada is a great and generous country; many ethnicities call Canada “home”. There are a few difficulties that need to be addressed, however. While I'm likely to be labelled a racist, I really don't care: a perpetual victim of reverse discrimination, I'm tired of MY opinion “not counting” because I'm white and speak without an accent. I'm also the child of an immigrant, one that grew up before the advent of ESL and other integrational tools.

Ethnic and special interest groups have become so focused upon their own needs, they've become selfish and inconsiderate of those around them. A long-time Canadian tradition, the RCMP, has had to amend their dress code to accommodate turban-wearing Sikhs. What's next, ceremonial daggers and curly-toed shoes? Immigration involves integration and assimilation, not take-over, change-to-suit, and/or alter. Freedom of religion is a noble thing, but I draw the line when the fragile tapestry of Canadian heritage is violated to accommodate a select few. Just because your religious choice requires a specific form of dress does NOT give you the right to change a century-old tradition, and thus alter the symbolism of our not-so-distant past. Historically speaking, it's an affront.

I'm tired of people and signs that don't communicate in either of Canada's national languages: I'm capable in both. I'm discriminated against every time I encounter signage that is not in one of those two languages. Tax monies fund English as a Second Language (ESL) programs, and yet the recipients don't speak English when out and about in public. Various ethnic groups have been linked to purchasing drivers' licences, drug importation, gang activity, and other VERY negative things. Until such issues are settled effectively, is it fair to the rest of Canadian society yo continue to allow people access to our great country, when it's already embroiled in difficulties with it's CURRENT population?

Immigration has allowed almost EVERY Canadian to live in our great country --- some, centuries ago, some but a month ago. We don't want to be intolerant, but your ethnicity or religion does NOT mean you can cry 'discrimination' if you don't get the job you applied for, that you can say you're 'entitled' to ANYTHING: EARN the right, don't TAKE it, BE CANADIAN and WORK for what you want, don't expect to be given it.

We've a lot of work to do to sort out our differences. We need to learn a lot more consideration, too.

Please, let us do just that. Don't add any more wood to the fire until we've learned better management of the fireplace: we're getting burned. Please, don't let any more people into Canada. There's too many struggling to survive here already, and that 'melting pot' isn't blending very well. We've a lot of issues and problems to contend with, as it is.

No more immigration. Please.

For Canada's sake.

Mich's Mumbles © 2011


  1. I've heard people outside of here say that they're surprised that so many disparate peoples can get along so well... I guess 'well' meaning no civil war or slavery etc.

  2. Mich your title truly reflects ambition driven people...
