We all do it: our children are given a name, and somehow or another end up with a "pet" name within the family. There's love to be had in those goofy monikers.
Many years ago now, KOKANEE beer was hitting the air with commercials for (what was then) a new brew. These commercials featured a sasquatch, of all things, and played off of the legends of the creatures in B.C.. One of the commercials had said sasquatch speaking to his Missus, unseen by the camera: he referred to her as his "MugWump".
Once our infant daughter was mobile, she proved to be very determined to get into mud and mud- puddles: anything to do with water, and she made a bee- line for it. As her first birthday approached, and I was spending time out in the back yard gardening and such, it was a daily battle to keep that child from wearing the outdoors into the indoors! Of course, being the evil Momma that I am, I have video footage of the child playing naked in a mud puddle: she'd stripped herself down on her way to play in it. Her blue eyes were the only part of her recognizable, all else was hidden by the mud she'd painted herself in.
"O you little MuDwump", is what came out of my mouth with a sigh. Her Dad just roared, and she had a nickname, one that remains with her to this day.
Anyone that knows me any well knows I've a love of reading and trivia. I'd rather poke my nose into a book than to watch TV at night. The local library is a favorite weekend trip for all of us, and was so again just recently.
I'm reading a trivia book called "- ISMS AND - OLOGIES", by Arthur Goldwag... and came across this entry:
Probably a corruption of MUGGUOMP, an Algonquin word for "war chief".
Apparently Ambrose Bierce's DEVILS DICTIONARY defines it as " one who is afflicted with self respect and addicted to the vice of independence". (that is SO my daughter.... rofl).
The term was given a negative connotation in the 1930's , as being "one of them boys who always has his mug on one side of the political fence, and his wump on the other"; that connotation is apparently the still- present one (boo).
I find irony in discovering the history of the word, and it's meanings .... and hooo boy, does the first two definitions ever suit the determined scamp: while there isn't a destructive or mean bone in her body, she will do battle over anything she doesn't want to do.... she'll simply refuse to cooperate, and question you to death as a stall tactic.
I'm raising a MUDWUMP.... and arguing my way through a lot of laundry.
Mich's Mumbles©2011
Many years ago now, KOKANEE beer was hitting the air with commercials for (what was then) a new brew. These commercials featured a sasquatch, of all things, and played off of the legends of the creatures in B.C.. One of the commercials had said sasquatch speaking to his Missus, unseen by the camera: he referred to her as his "MugWump".
Once our infant daughter was mobile, she proved to be very determined to get into mud and mud- puddles: anything to do with water, and she made a bee- line for it. As her first birthday approached, and I was spending time out in the back yard gardening and such, it was a daily battle to keep that child from wearing the outdoors into the indoors! Of course, being the evil Momma that I am, I have video footage of the child playing naked in a mud puddle: she'd stripped herself down on her way to play in it. Her blue eyes were the only part of her recognizable, all else was hidden by the mud she'd painted herself in.
"O you little MuDwump", is what came out of my mouth with a sigh. Her Dad just roared, and she had a nickname, one that remains with her to this day.
Anyone that knows me any well knows I've a love of reading and trivia. I'd rather poke my nose into a book than to watch TV at night. The local library is a favorite weekend trip for all of us, and was so again just recently.
I'm reading a trivia book called "- ISMS AND - OLOGIES", by Arthur Goldwag... and came across this entry:
Probably a corruption of MUGGUOMP, an Algonquin word for "war chief".
Apparently Ambrose Bierce's DEVILS DICTIONARY defines it as " one who is afflicted with self respect and addicted to the vice of independence". (that is SO my daughter.... rofl).
The term was given a negative connotation in the 1930's , as being "one of them boys who always has his mug on one side of the political fence, and his wump on the other"; that connotation is apparently the still- present one (boo).
I find irony in discovering the history of the word, and it's meanings .... and hooo boy, does the first two definitions ever suit the determined scamp: while there isn't a destructive or mean bone in her body, she will do battle over anything she doesn't want to do.... she'll simply refuse to cooperate, and question you to death as a stall tactic.
I'm raising a MUDWUMP.... and arguing my way through a lot of laundry.
Mich's Mumbles©2011
Love it!!!!!LOL "Chief" ;D